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Mars Area High School

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Sophomore Selected for Youth Exchange Program

Mars Area sophomore Mia Ola was selected to receive a Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) scholarship.

Ola is one of only 250 U.S. students to be selected for the scholarship, which funds an academic year of high school study and cultural immersion in Germany for American students. She was selected for CBYX because of her demonstrated academic qualifications, cultural open-mindedness, and outstanding motivation.

“Her enthusiasm for German makes me smile every day. I know she is going to have a life changing experience,” says Shawna Peters, German teacher. “I am so proud of Mia and her willingness to step out of her comfort zone.”

Ola will spend the 2019-2020 School Year living with a host family and attending a local high school in Germany. She will serve as a youth ambassador, representing the U.S., while joining in educational, cultural and civic events while overseas.

“This is an amazing opportunity,” says Ola, who would like to thank Peters for introducing her to the program and for her care and support through the application process. “Thank you so much Frau Peters for everything that you have done... and helping me believe that I can do it.” 

The U.S. Congress and the German Bundestag jointly fund the CBYX program as a symbol of the special economic and political relationship between America and Germany. The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs administers the CBYX program and in the northeast U.S., the program is implemented by AFS-USA, a non-profit international student exchange organization.

For details, visit