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Mars Area High School

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MAHS Back-to-School Information

As we prepare for the start of the 2022-2023 School Year, we ask that you please take note of the following back-to-school information and announcements:

Open House Event

Mars Area High School plans to host our typical Open House event on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, from 6:00-8:00 PM. More information will come out on Friday, September 2nd regarding the schedule for that evening.

Student Schedules

Student schedules are posted on Skyward for all students to view, please review again before school tomorrow as some changes may have occurred from the last time you have looked. If you still require a schedule change, please email the appropriate guidance counselor and they will address the changes in the order that they are received. The guidance counselors will call the students down to their office if needed- please do not tell your student to go to guidance for a schedule change- we will work as quickly as possible to correct any remaining schedule changes. Please remember we do not honor requests for athletics, activities or specific teachers.

*Note- 12th grade students requesting an early release- please know that the priority is getting all students the courses that they need to meet graduation requirements. We are not always able to accommodate the early release requests- this is not a guarantee for any student.  

9th Grade- Stephanie Van Cleef- [email protected]10th Grade- Mark Varlotta- [email protected]11th Grade- Colleen Tosadori- [email protected]12th Grade- Tina Yankello- [email protected]

Morning Procedures
For the 2022-2023 school year there will be one entrance available to students to enter the building each day.

Please remember to drop off your student at the auditorium entrance or at the tennis court lot if you are driving them, you should not be dropping them off in the bus lane or teacher parking lot out front. Students will then walk to the main entrance on the sidewalk to enter the building.

Students will walk through the metal detectors with their backpacks and other belongings this year. They will just need to set their devices and cell phones on the table prior to walking through the detectors.

Cafeteria Information

Breakfast will only be available during homeroom from 7:15-7:45 each day.

Lunch is served each day during our three lunch periods between 10:45 and 1:00 daily. Students have the option of accepting the free lunch, purchasing lunch from the A La Cart Area in the cafeteria or bringing their own lunch from home in the morning. Students can not buy lunch during their study halls- they can only eat during their assigned lunch period.

Note: No deliveries of any kind (Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc.) will be accepted for students during the school day. All deliveries will be turned away at the entrance. Students are also not permitted to leave the building for lunch.

All students in grades 9-12 will eat in the cafeteria for the 2022-2023 school year.

Study Hall Locations

Period 1


Period 2


Period 3


Period 4


Period 5


Period 6


Period 7


Period 8


Period 9



Mars students will begin attending JROTC during period 1 at Pine Richland High School on Thursday, August 25, 2022. For the first day of school, and any other day that Pine Richland is not in session, JROTC students will report to homeroom and then to the LGI for a study hall period 1.


Butler County Area Vocational-Technical School (BCVTS) beings for all students on Thursday, August 25, 2022. On Wednesday, August 24, 2022- all Vo-Tech students will report to the LGI and the Cafeteria for periods 7-9 for a study hall. Please send a note with your student to turn into the main office if they are permitted to leave after period 6.

Please refer to the Vo-tech's website, or contact the vo-tech's administration with any specific questions. Busing to BCVTS will be provided to and from Mars Area High School as it has been provided in previous years. Busing will also be provided home to students on the elementary runs if needed.

Cell Phone Use in Building
Parents, please remind your students that they are not to use their cell phones during the school day. If they need to make a phone call, they need to report to the main office to do so. No student has permission to record or take photos of other students during the school day- this is a policy violation and the student responsible will face disciplinary action.

Attendance- Excuse for Absences
Parents please be reminded that if your child is absent for any reason; you are required to provide a written excuse for their absence within three days of the absence. On the excuse, please provide your child’s first and last name, date of absence and reason for absence. Your child can turn the excuse in at the main entrance each morning or in the main office to the attendance secretary. Please refer to the student handbook pages 11-20 for any questions regarding school attendance procedures.

Student Early Releases/Parent Pick-Up Reminders
Please be reminded that if you are going to pick up your child during the school day, you need to send a note with your child to turn in that morning when they arrive to school. Please note the time that you will be arriving to pick up your child. If your student can drive himself or herself home, please indicate that on the note as well.

If a student does not have a note and a parent must call for an emergency, the parent will need to enter the building to pick up their child.

If a student leaves the building without permission, they will receive a day of in-school suspension. All early dismissals need to occur through the nurse’s office or through the main office with the note provided ahead of time. If your student texts you to be picked up throughout the day, you will need to come into the building to write a note for their early release. Please direct your student to go to the nurse, their school counselor or the main office for assistance if they are not feeling well or if they need support during the day.

All students who enter the building after 7:35 or who leave prior to 2:32 need to do so through the guard area and the main office. Students should not be entering or exiting through any other door in the building during the school day. This includes any student leaving sick from the nurse, for a scheduled early release or for Vo-Tech. Not following this safety procedure will result in suspension.

Dress Code
Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the school day. Please refer to pages 23-25 in the student handbook for specific guidelines. Please remind your students that no hats or hoods are permitted in the building during the school day.

Mars Area High School will begin to distribute technology devices to all 9th grade students on Wednesday, August 24th.  All 10-12th grade students were issued devices last school year and those devices should be brought back to school for educational use this school year. All new students should turn in their forms and payment to their homeroom teacher and will be able to receive their device at the technology desk.

All students, grades 9-12, are required to turn in the attached packet of One-to-One Device Distribution Technology Forms each year.  Students can print forms previously sent out to get their device on the first day, or they will be provided a copy of this packet in homeroom on Wednesday, August 24th.  We ask that all packets and the $50 Technology Insurance Fee be returned to the homeroom teacher as soon as possible or by Thursday, August 25th.  Please refer to the technology information previously sent and the website for more information.