Mars Area High School spring sports captains gather for a Spring Captain's Breakfast, hosted by Zach Matusak, athletic director.
Captains include Lindsey Gourash, Alyssa Harris, Annalyn Isaac, Mayson Kennedy and Taylor Schmitt (softball); Thomas McLaren, Zack Orosz and Chase Winstead (baseball); Mya Cole, Emma Grell, McKenna Merritt and Charlotte Stamper (girls lacrosse); Jack Dunham, Evan Frye, Jonathan Grieco and Kyle McEwen (boys lacrosse); and Kaden Gratton, Derek Piatek and Kyler Robinson (boys volleyball).
The students talked about what to means to be a captain and leader, including the three (3) parts of leadership:
- Be the standard — lead by example
- Earn trust — look out for each other and instill belief
- Accountability — holding everyone to the standard
For details, call (724) 625-9380.